Welcome to the wonderful world of the mysterious and unusual TENOR GUITAR. You have ventured upon the first independent website that is dedicated to providing answers to any questions you may have about this unique instrument.
Where To Buy a tenor Guitar
Tenorguitar.com does not deal in instruments, but we have had so many requests for information on where to get hold of a tenor guitar that we have decided to post a few ideas here. In general, buying a tenor guitar is not so simple as walking into your nearest music store and picking one off the shelf. It can take time and persistence to find what you want, but the treasure-hunt just makes your tenor that much more special when you finally get to take it out of its case and grin. Here are a few options that we have discovered over the years.

used vintage instruments from on-line dealers and their physical stores, including Mandolin Brothers (Staten Island NY), Gruhn Guitars (Nashville, TN), Elderly Instruments (Lansing, Michigan), Rothman's Guitars (Southold, NY), Bernunzio (Rochester, NY), Players Vintage Instruments (Inverness, CA), plus all the guitar dealers in the http://www.gbase.com/, on-line searchable network who may have tenor guitars in their inventory.
used vintage instruments from auctions sites of which eBay is by far the best - there are always tenor guitars on auction there - usual some good ones.
having a new tenor guitar built to your own specifications by a luthier or from the luthier's existing range of instruments. See the Guitar Builders' section.
an on-line and physical store called Lark in the Morning sells two quite nice looking brand new budget acoustic tenor guitars for around $300 - one slightly more decorated and therefore more expensive - but we have heard good reports about them, particularly as starter instruments.
a company called Amistar in the Czech Republic manufactures pear-shaped single cone and tricone resonator tenor guitars which are marketed by Saga Musical Instruments under the Regal name.
www.vintagetenorguitars.com will be used to market the vintage tenor guitar collection of Steve Pyott. The tenor guitars are all being re-photographed for the site, but anyone interested in any of the collection can see most of it displayed in the Pyott Collection pages here at tenorguitar.com. Any enquiries about purchasing any of this collection can be directed to steve@tenorguitar.com.
lastly try all your local music stores and pawn shops - you might strike it lucky and get a real bargain!
Let us know how you get on!